American Indian Pottery – In the Past and In the Present

Harmony Cardenas
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Read Time:2 Minute, 39 Second

How American Indians arrived and when they arrived in the United States is a topic that has long been up for debate. There are conflicting reports and theories on when American Indians arrived here and how they did. In any culture, people and animals pass on and belongings become ruined. This tends to make it difficult to understand and study a particular culture. A popular tradition in the history of American Indians has made it easier for their history to be examined.

Pottery was a tradition that existed in the past and it continues to exist today. Pottery making has changed with time, but many American Indians have continued to carry on the tradition of making pottery in the same way that their ancestors did. In addition to being a longstanding tradition, pottery pieces have made it easier to understand the history of American Indians.

In today’s society American Indian pottery is often made for the sole purpose of money. There are a large number of individuals who still do it for the love of pottery and the history of it, but Native American pottery is wanted by individuals all around the world. This popularity has led to the development of a large number of American Indian pottery stores.

In the past, American Indian pottery was made with the purpose of using it. Men, women, and children used pottery on a daily basis. Pottery was often used for cooking, storage, and transporting necessities. Art was often the last thing on the mind of a pottery maker. Despite the fact that American Indian pottery was made for the purpose of being used, there are many similarities between today’s pottery and the pottery of the past.

Whether they intended it or not, may ancient pottery pieces are beautiful pieces of artwork. In fact, ancient pottery pieces are often valuable and considered a treasure. There are a large number of individuals and museums that pay a large amount of money to obtain older works of art. Whether it is for public display or personal possession, there is just something about owning a piece of history.

When American Indian pottery is made for commercial use, modern methods are often used to make the items. This modern way of making pottery has caused a small amount of controversy. There are many American Indians who wish to hold onto and celebrate their culture. This includes leaving traditions the way that they were. When many families teach their children how to make pottery, they often do so the way that their ancestors did. Many American Indians, to this day, still dig their own clay, mold it, and finish it with fire the way that it was done in the past.

Throughout the years, American Indians have had to alter their lives and traditions to fit into today’s society. Keeping with their past beliefs and traditions is difficult to do in today’s society. That is why pottery making continues to be an important tradition to American Indians. Pottery making has not only kept an important tradition alive, but it has helped to provide valuable financing to tribes and families that may be in desperate need of the money.

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