Society, Politics & Philosophy

Harmony Cardenas

Academic Philosophy Bertrand Russell made a very true observation when he stated that: ‘Morally, a philosopher who uses his professional competence for anything except a disinterested search for truth is guilty of a kind of treachery’. An academic paper you won’t find within our academic philosophy section of the Society, […]

Music is the Soul of Life

Harmony Cardenas

Life and music are two inseparable terms. The joy of music can only be enjoyed by the living ones. And this sweet feeling is mixed up in the nature. The path of Music is sound. Music can be concluded as an art. The common parameters of are rhythm, pitch; timber, […]

The Genesis of Philosophy

Harmony Cardenas

The genesis of philosophy can be observed across a wide range of human interests such as religion, creative arts, education and economy. In its very essence, philosophy involves unique belief systems that refine the conditions and thoughts pertaining to life, growth and death. Philosophers are considered to be wise visionaries […]

How Does Wittgenstein Understand Philosophy?

Harmony Cardenas

Does it still make any sense to maintain dividing lines or boundaries between sciences or disciplines? In other words, are epistemological hierarchies still valid? Wouldn’t it be more productive, starting with teaching, that the narratives were free of barriers between them? As knowledge advances, themes expand and intertwine.To the point […]