Have you ever wondered why the professional photos you see are so stunning, while yours may need a little work? Here are 3 steps included in most digital photography courses that will quickly boost your photography to the next level. If you are checking out any photography digital courses, be sure they cover the following:
1. Subject matter…your photo needs a star!
Determine one major area of interest and do everything you can to eliminate any sort of distractions. If too much is happening in a photo, the viewer’s eye bounces all over the place and doesn’t know where to land!
A too busy photograph is visually confusing AND exhausting!
This is a situation where less is more. Think of it like the star in a movie. Everything needs to keep our attention focused ONLY on them!
2. Fill the frame…your star should fill the entire frame.
I’m constantly seeing photographs where the photographer was trying to get a shot of their new puppy or kitten and in the final result, the pet is nothing more than a tiny blob way down in the in the corner.
Get right down at the pet’s level and use a lens that will allow you to completely fill the frame. If you don’t have interchangeable lenses, get closer. There’s a famous saying in the photo world that goes something like…”If you don’t like your photos, get closer.”
3. Where to focus?
Often we are confronted with depth of field issues. SOMETHING in our photo needs to be in sharp focus while other areas will be a little softer.
I frequently get asked the question: “What should I focus on?”
If you’re shooting a living subject, focus on the eyes. It is said they are the windows to the soul. Whether or not that is true, it certainly IS true that the eyes are what we will focus our attention on when looking at a photo.
Your photograph could be in sharp, crisp focus across the entire frame, but if the eyes are a little bit soft, no one will like the photo and will complain that it is out of focus.
If the eyes are in sharp focus and the rest of the photo is a little soft, most people will praise the photo and never even notice the softer areas.
With the rise of the digital photography revolution, we get so caught up in the technology and the ease of getting the photos into our computer (so that we can edit them in Photoshop), we are literally losing our ability to create beautiful images.
If the thought; “I’ll fix it in Photoshop” ever crosses your mind, take your finger off the shutter button and rethink the image. You’ll be glad you did.
When looking for online digital courses, photography digital courses can teach you how to quickly get control of your camera. Work to learn the techniques the masters use and get the shot in the camera.
Warning! There just isn’t enough room in an article to really teach much. I had to leave out what I consider to be the #1 secret to shooting stunning photographs.