Neck pain is more common than you may think. Almost everyone in the world has experienced this condition at some point in their lives. The prevalence of neck discomfort is due to prolonged positions in activities that individuals conduct every day. While mild neck pain can resolve following home remedies, chronic neck pain can last more than three months despite those interventions. With chronic pain in your neck, turning around will be problematic, thus holding the quality of your life hostage. In that case, you will want to contact Lakewood Ranch neck & spine specialist for the correct diagnosis and treatment options. Keep reading this article to understand various tips to prevent neck pain.
Sleep Right
Have you ever woken up with discomfort in your neck? A stiff neck is a repercussion when you adopt a poor sleeping position. For example, sleeping on your back can tilt your neck to one side for extended periods, increasing the chances of discomfort. Therefore, you should sleep on your back to ensure your spine is aligned properly. Use a comfortable pillow that prevents your neck from curving when sleeping.
Exercise Regularly and Carefully
Stronger neck muscles are less likely to experience neck pain. Any activity that strengthens your neck adds up when it comes to keeping your neck healthy. Incorporate neck stretches when conducting your normal exercises. However, it would help if you avoided activities like turning your head more often when swimming since it can trigger stiff necks. Use prescribed neck braces, especially when you carry weights at gyms.
Manage Stress
Many do not know how much stressful thoughts can impact their neck health. Notably, when stressed, your body releases stress hormones like cortisol. Build up of these chemicals usually causes muscle tension in your neck, thus worsening neck pain. Therefore, you should adopt stress relief measures since stress circumstances are unavoidable. For example, you should practice deep breathing mindfulness whenever overwhelmed and anxious.
Take Breaks
Certain occupations necessitate individuals to sit for a long time. Remaining in the same position for a long time can expose you to neck pain. This occurs due to neck muscle contraction as they hold your head up. Therefore, you should interrupt the long sitting sessions with frequent small breaks to keep your neck muscles flexible. You can use a timer to remind you of the break intervals if you cannot remember to take the break.
Lift Properly
Many daily activities necessitate lifting items from the ground. How you position your body when carrying objects says a lot about neck health. For example, carrying items on one side can cause uneven shoulder force distribution. This imbalance will eventually strain neck muscles leading to discomfort. Therefore, you should shift the load from one shoulder to another for uniform force distribution.
Individuals who have experienced chronic neck pain can attest that the condition is debilitating. Neck pain inhibits your capacity to turn around and conduct daily activities. The good news is that you can minimize the risk of this condition through the above tips. For example, regular exercises are crucial in strengthening neck muscles, thus avoiding discomfort. Embracing correct lifting techniques is also necessary for even force distribution along the shoulders. However, you should consider the relevant treatment options if your neck pain does not resolve alone.