The Role Of Orthopedic Surgeons In Disaster Relief

Harmony Cardenas

Orthopedic surgeons play a vital role in disaster relief. Picture the chaos. Buildings crumble. People are hurt. Amidst this chaos, orthopedic surgeons, including those with specialties like sports medicine Bayonne, step in. They mend broken bones, treat injuries, and help people regain their mobility. This post will explore their key […]

Mystic Realism A New Genre of Poetry

Harmony Cardenas

I want to humbly introduce a new genre of poetry called Mystic Realism. What is mystic realism in a nutshell? In mystic realism, images are romanticized as tropes and then adorned with transcendental meaning. There are two elements, the signifier and the signified. The signifier is the romantic image conveyed […]