His Most Famous Painting – Nude Descending a Staircase, Number 2 – Marcel Duchamp

Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), the most influential figure of the ‘Contemporary Art,’ was recognized for his strongly expressed contempt for the field of conventional ‘Fine Arts.’ He was in a way related to ‘Surrealist Movement,’ the descendant of ‘Cubism.’ Duchamp’s methodology and themes however, were not well received by ‘Cubists.’ This […]

The True Beauty of Poetry

We have all had that feeling before, of wanting to be able to put our thoughts into words and truly explain to people how we felt. Unfortunately for most, being able to do just that is much easier said than done and generally never gets done. For those that are […]

Botox Dysport – Benefits

Flawless skin with no wrinkles is the go-to texture we all want. But there are so many factors that can determine the health of your skin. Sometimes it can be your age or genetics and sometimes because you don’t take proper care of your skin. Well, if you are looking […]