In film and tv, the eyes are the main focal stage of the audience. Far more than any other facet of performing, they figure out the inner workings of the character. They also ascertain the concentrate on of intentions and feelings. In addition, they assistance define the psychological state of […]
The Wonders of Exotic Zodiac Signs Tattoos
Ridding yourself of the usual and daily boring life can be quite difficult and even impossible for some. Some people may not know any means of how to spice up either their stagnant and plain attitude or their colorless and dull exterior. Are you one of these people? Or perhaps, […]
Around the globe Charm of JRock and KPop: Evidence of Universality of Songs?
As of this composing, Asian groups are hitting the worldwide charts. Korean pop groups and Japanese rock bands are landing in markets and cultures earlier dominated by Western new music. Films of KPop girl bands (that is Korean pop, for the uninitiated) these as Ponder Girls, are seen in their […]
How Medical Clinics Are Bridging The Gap In Healthcare Disparities
Across the nation, healthcare disparities are creating a significant cause of stress Poway. Medical clinics are making strides to confront this issue, bridging the gap in a meaningful, tangible way. These clinics are paving the way for equitable access to healthcare, irrespective of one’s economic or social standing. In this […]
Sustainable History and the Dignity of Man – A Philosophy of History and Civilisational Triumph
In order to understand this book you have to look beyond its title “Sustainable History and the Dignity of Man: A Philosophy of History and Civilisational Triumph”. Otherwise you may feel it is too complicated to read and you will miss the best benefits of all that this author Dr. […]
5 Tips for Music Teachers to Get More Students Online
Are you a free-lance music teacher and wondering how you can get more students online to learn piano lessons, violin lessons, cello lessons etc? Do you know some of the ways to make yourself more visible on the internet? Below are 5 easy tips on how you can reach out […]
10 Ways to Make Money With Body Painting
Are you considering making a living (or at least a little money on the side) doing body painting? Is it even possible to make a living doing body painting? Yes, you can make good money as a ‘pro’ body painter, and even kids as young as twelve have made good […]
The Unique Forms and Functions of Indigenous Ghanaian Performing and Verbal Arts
Performing arts are the arts that are played or performed which exists only in a stream of time. This form of arts is evident in every activity that the indigenous Ghanaian performs, from the washing of the face right from bed, through undertakings of his/her daily activities, to the time […]
Tattoos Showing Through Tights – Is it a Problem Or a Fashion Statement?
With so many people getting tattoos these days, one of the major problem is how to conceal them, particularly in a professional setting. While many may try to cover them up by wearing tights, this doesn’t always work. Is the tattoo showing through a problem or a fashion statement? There […]
Mystic Realism A New Genre of Poetry
I want to humbly introduce a new genre of poetry called Mystic Realism. What is mystic realism in a nutshell? In mystic realism, images are romanticized as tropes and then adorned with transcendental meaning. There are two elements, the signifier and the signified. The signifier is the romantic image conveyed […]