The music world can be a harsh one, especially when you are just starting out. You may have a band and a few songs, but how do you get your name out there to get recognized? Having a free album review performed could be one of the easiest ways to […]
music art
Breaking Through the Barrier of Impersonal Philosophy
In modern spirituality there are usually three established organic systems of liberation – Voidism, Impersonalism and Personalism. Voidism purports that there is no God, no existence and no worldly thought worthy of thinking. Non-dualistic Impersonalism asserts that there is no personal God but only mythical stories and images that aid […]
Analysis of the Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
Appearance and Reality Russell questions the absoluteness of knowledge and the discernment of the problem in Philosophy. What is the distinction between appearance and reality? Things which are known by perception are labeled as sense data. The collection of all physical objects is called matter. Russell quotes the Philosopher Berkeley […]
Philosophy Versus Politics
Sure, you can make a living at politics, but you can genuinely solve some problems including sometimes making a living with philosophy. With that said, I begin this article. Thinking instead of “being slick and avoiding thinking” is always the way to go, but who in this world is evolved […]
Samkhya Philosophy As The Sister Of Yoga Philosophy
Samkhya philosophy is often called the sister to yoga philosophy. There are many aspects in common to both philosophies and from a historical perspective, both may have developed in a parallel way. In order to understand yoga philosophy deeply it is often recommended that one understands samkhya philosophy well first, […]
Natural Health & Healing – Chinese Philosophy of Regeneration and How the Body Heals Itself
The Philosophy of Regeneration and its three Principles The Chinese’s study and understanding of thousands of herbs and determining what effect they have on the human body spans over 5,000 years. The Philosophy of Regeneration was formulated to highlight what the body needs to properly restore itself to health. Instead […]
Yoruba Philosophy
Yoruba people settled in Ile-Ife thousands of years ago led by Oduduwa. Understanding Yoruba Philosophy The compound ‘Yoruba philosophy’ stands for the comprehensive philosophical doctrine of Yoruba people, on issues of logic, ethics, epistemology, or metaphysics. Yoruba people have moral philosophy, religion based, that embraces` principle of higher unity. To […]
The Relevance of Arts to Practical Living
INTRODUCTION For the avoidance of doubt, the concept of the arts can be viewed from two perspectives. On the one hand, the arts could be understood to mean the subjects one can study at school or university which are not scientific, which do not employ scientific methods. Subjects such as […]
The Rake Philosophy – 10 Min’s to Total Mind-Body-Spirit Connection!
The Way Of The Rake Many years ago in the southern regions of a land far away lived a man by the name of Hewko. A poor man by providential state but rich in Mind, Body and Spirit. “Relationships” he would say, “are the true paths to wealth of soul, […]
Pros and Cons of Beat Software For Music Producers
Beat making software is a very new development. Thirty to forty years ago producers would use manual instruments to create beats and then other technologies to synthesize the beats with the vocal aspect. The olden ways of doing things were much more thorough and the music creation process more interesting. […]