Yoga Philosophy

Yoga is an ancient art that goes way beyond the practice of asanas – postures. It is a philosophy that goes back to the times before the religions existed more than 2,000 years ago. It is a philosophy that talks about union. It talks about union between all human beings […]

The Right Farenheit in Jamaica

He was named ‘Fahrenheit’ by DJ Don Flash, and sure enough he seems to always be at the right temperature, tempo and all that. Terrence Harold, of Jamaican soil is also known as “Farenizzi”, employs his many talents in exposing Jamaica, its people, culture and skills to the world. An […]

Jewish New music

What Is Jewish New music? Jewish songs can be studied from quite a few diversified details of see. Among the them historic, liturgical and non-liturgical songs of the Hebrews relationship from the pre-Biblical moments (Pharaonic Egypt) religious music at the initially and second Solomon’s Temples musical pursuits instantly next the […]

Philosophy of High Noon

The movie “High Noon” has interesting comparisons to the philosophies and views of Kant. While many will say it can mirror the philosopher’s views, particularly through the actions of the lead character Kane, this paper will analyze the interesting and somewhat contrary view by looking at the actions of Kane’s […]

Sedona Jazz on the Rocks

Imagine a formation of uniquely shaped red rocks positioned on a plateau with the river dashing by and you have just located paradise. Sedona puts its very best foot forward in September when they welcome you to the Sedona Jazz on the Rocks Pageant. 2009’s dates are September 22nd through […]